Michael Canfield, co-founder
email: michael@jitla.com
Skype: michaelcanfield-1
Cell: 1 602 679 4311
An esteemed co-founder, is a veritable Renaissance man, proficient in myriad fields, ranging from ride-sharing and cryptocurrency to franchising and the literary arts.
His sagacity in the ride-share realm was cultivated not just from boardrooms but from actual hands-on experience. Michael has been at the helm of Uber and Lyft, amassing insights from thousands of interactions with both passengers and drivers alike.
In the domain of publishing, he is the distinguished curator behind GLA News and Crypto500 News, two esteemed platforms where he bestows the masses with invaluable information.
Further testament to his foresight and accomplishment, Michael is the visionary co-founder of Chatgpt WP, a pioneering WordPress application that harnesses the power of AI for content generation.
In the literary world, his opus, ‘Peace Speaks’, stands as a testament to his eloquence and profound wisdom, offering readers a rare glimpse into his unique perspective on the world.